Digital Art
Nothing is actually here yet. Once I'm done with these pages I'll put some of my art here
Here is a gallery of drawings made in flipnote. I don't have any other art saved on my laptop except art used for other parts of this site
Media Recommendations
In no particular order are things I think are cool and you should check out! Here's a basic list/Table of Contents, the contents of the book will talk about these further.
Coding Projects/Gizmos
In the future I will outline some of my coding projects here. For now, I'm just going to link to my Github page
Here you will find some of my coding projects, some dating back to before I even started highschool. There are some projects that I'm proud of, and some that I'm not so proud of, and some I don't even remember making.
This is just an ordinary Bouncing DVD Logo doing nothing but bouncing around. I made this as a fidget toy for class. Absolutely no hidden secrets
Book of Future Book Ideas
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